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How Much Does a UK Visa Cost?

UK FAQ: Different visas are of different prices however your immigration adviser will be able to inform you of the fees UK Visa process.

What documents will I need?

Your immigration advisor will be able to inform you of the documents that are needed for the visa you are applying for.

If I live outside of the UK, does the immigration process change?

Yes, it will not be the Home Office who decides your application but the UK Embassy of your home country.

Do I need to contact the High Commissioner in my own country for a UK visa?

You will need to apply to the UK Embassy in your home country if you would like to enter the UK under any visa. If you are already in the UK on a visa then you will need to apply to the Home Office in the UK.

What do I do if my visa application is rejected?

UK FAQ: There are options; firstly, you may appeal the decision if you have been given a right of appeal, or alternatively you may submit a fresh application. There may be instances when you may appeal an incorrect appeal decision, or even take the matter to the high court.

What are the process times for a visa application?

The waiting time is around 6 weeks but this could depend upon the application.

How long does it take to get a permanent residence visa (known in the United Kingdom as Indefinite Leave to Remain – ILR)?

UK FAQ: In the United Kingdom you must first apply under one of the temporary visa classes before you are eligible to apply for permanent residence. Every application is different and processing times largely depend on the type of visa being applied for and the location of the UKBA office.

Will the immigration authorities or Embassy help me to prepare my application and make sure that everything is correct before applying?

No. This type of service is no longer provided by the Government. The authorities exist to enforce immigration law, make decisions on residence applications and to issue residence visas. Although basic information and application forms are available, the authorities are unable to provide independent advice and personalized guidance on your specific case. Only a professional migration consultant can provide this kind of service.

Can the immigration authorities refuse my application?

Yes surprisingly a large number of applicants are unaware how strictly the immigration regulations are enforced and are often unnecessarily refused or delayed due to technical errors on their application or by submitting the wrong supporting documentation. Consultants exist to help you find the best way through the immigration maze and are highly effective in doing so.

My migration consultant has assessed me as being eligible for one of the visa classes that could potentially enable me to apply for ILR in the United Kingdom. If I apply without his or her help, can I be certain of success?

No although you may fundamentally qualify under the immigration policy, you are by no means guaranteed of success. In order to be approved, your application must be prepared in accordance with the prevailing immigration regulations and submitted together with the appropriate supporting documentation. The ways in which to do this are not always clearly set out by the immigration authorities and can result in many applicants presenting their cases incorrectly, inevitably leading to refusal. So you are strongly advised to seek the assistance of a migration consultant.

What is a permanent resident?

Essentially, a residence permit is a right affixed into your passport granting you the permanent right to live and work in a country. You are generally eligible for state medical care, education and social welfare assistance. Temporary residents are generally not entitled to medical care or social welfare assistance at any time and are generally unable to remain in the country for longer than 5 years.

When I migrate, will I lose my current passport?

No, not necessarily. Firstly, you will enter on a temporary visa and you will be able to apply for ILR or permanent residency after spending the required amount of time in the United Kingdom depending which visa you have been granted. Normally after one year as a permanent resident it is recommended that you apply for UK citizenship as long as you meet the residence requirements as in order to keep your permanent residence or ILR you should not spend longer than two years outside the UK. UK Citizenship law allows for the holding of two or more passports but you must check that your own country of citizenship allows dual-nationality, as this right must be reciprocal. If not, you will need to surrender your other passport in order to become a citizen of the United Kingdom.

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