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Quebec Skilled Worker Points Calculator

Minimum Points Required For Quebec Skilled Worker Program 2024

Quebec Skilled Worker Points Calculator As is the case with the national Express Entry program, the QSWP is based on the skills and occupations categorized by the National Occupations Classification (NOC). Those skills regarded in high demand based on labor market conditions are given priority over others. This forms the basis for the entire immigration scheme of Quebec. However, there are several factors, while assessing the viability of a candidate for entry into Quebec with a PR visa.

To qualify for immigration to Canada as a Quebec-selected skilled worker, a solo applicant must score at least 50 points. Potential immigrants who apply with a spouse or a common-law partner must score at least 59 points out of 100 points be eligible for the QSW Program.

Here’s a look at the factors used by the Quebec Provincial Nominee Program to assess application eligibility:

EducationUp to 14 points (Cutoff Score = 2 points)
Area Of TrainingArea Of Training
Validated Employment OfferUp to 10 points
Work ExperienceUp to 8 points
AgeUp to 16 points
Language ProficiencyUp to 22 points
Stay And Family In QuebecUp to 8 points
Spouse/Common-law partner CharacteristicsUp to 17 points
Presence Of Accompanying ChildrenUp to 8 points
Financial Self-Sufficiency1 point

Factor 1: Education

Level of EducationPoints
Secondary school general diploma2
Secondary school vocational diploma6
Postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies4
Postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 1–2 years of full-time studies6
Postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 1–2 years of full-time studies6
Postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies8
Undergraduate diploma attesting to 1 or more years of full-time studies4
Undergraduate diploma attesting to 2 or more years of full-time studies6
Undergraduate diploma attesting to 3 or more years of full-time studies10
Master’s Degree12

Factor 2: Area of Training

Areas of TrainingPoints
Section A of the areas12 points
Section B of the areas9 points
Section C of the areas6 points
Section D of the areas2 points
Section E, F, or G of the areas0 points
Maximum12 points

Factor 3: Validated Employment Offer

Validated Employment Offer Criteria Points
Validated employment offer in the metropolitan area of Montreal8 points
Validated employment offer outside the metropolitan area of Montreal10 Points
Maximum10 Points

Factor 4: Work Experience

Less than 6 months0 points
6 to 11 months4 points
12 to 23 months4 points
24 to 35 months6 points
36 to 47 months6 points
48 months and over8 points
Maximum8 points

Factor 5: Age

18 to 35 years of age16 Points
36 years of age14 Points
37 years of age12 Points
38 years of age10 points
39 years of age8 points
40 years of age6 points
41 years of age4 points
42 years of age2 points
43 years of age or older0 points
Maximum16 points

Factor 6: Language Proficiency

French ProficiencyLow Beginner (A1)High Beginner (A2)Low Intermediate (B1)High Intermediate (B2)Advanced (C1)Advanced (C2)
Listening0 points0 points0 points5 points6 points7 points
Speaking0 points0 points0 points5 points6 points7 points
Reading0 points0 points0 points1 points1 points1 points
Writing0 points0 points0 points1 points1 points1 points
Maximum16 Points

Factor 7: Stay and Family in Quebec

Full-time study or full-time work for 3 months or more5 Points
Full-time study or full-time work for 6 months or more5 Points
Participant in Working Holiday Visa Program, with work experience for 3 months or more5 Points
Other stay for no less than 2 weeks and not more 3 months1 Points
Other stay exceeding 3 months2 Points
Maximum5 Points
Family in Quebec
Nature of Relationship
Spouse3 points
Son or daughter, father or mother, brother or sister3 points
Grandfather or grandmother3 points
Uncle or aunt, nephew or niece, cousin0 points
Maximum3 points

Factor 8:Spouse/Common-law partner Characteristics

Education LevelPoints
Secondary school general diploma1 Points
Secondary school vocational diploma2 Points
Postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies1 Points
Postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 1 or 2 years of full-time studies2 Points
Postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies3 Points
Undergraduate diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies1 Points
Undergraduate diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies2 Points
Undergraduate diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies3 Points
Master’s degree attesting to 1 or more years of full-time studies4 points
Doctorate4 points
Maximum4 points
Spouse’s Area of Training
Area of TrainingPoints
Section A of the areas4 points
Section B of the areas3 Points
Section C of the areas2 Points
Section D of the areas1 Points
Section E, F or G of the areas0 points
Maximum4 points
Spouse’s Age
18 to 35 years of age3 Points
36 years of age2 Points
37 years of age2 Points
38 years of age2 Points
39 years of age2 Points
40 years of age1 Points
41 years of age1 Points
42 years of age1 Points
43 years of age or older0
Maximum3 points
Spouse’s Language Proficiency
French ProficiencyPoints
Oral interaction0 – 6 points
Written comprehension0 points
Maximum6 Points

Factor 9:Presence of Accompanying Children

Age of ChildrenPoints
For each child 12 years of age or younger4 Points
For each child 13 to 19 years of age2 Points
Maximum8 Points

Factor 10:Financial Self-Sufficiency

Making of a contract1 point
Maximum1 point

QSWP Application Fees

Principal ApplicantCAD $812
Spouse, de facto spouseCAD $174
Each dependent childCAD $174

Contact Us for Further queries!!!!

Once need to be very careful while calculating the points for Quebec for Quebec skilled worker visa. They view all profiles. The one which meets the minimum cut-off score is further selected.

It requires a minimum of 50 (59 is accompanied by a spouse or common-law partner) passing score. To apply for a Quebec Selection Certificate, one must fulfill the selection factors. Finally, a step for invitation.

 Before, looking for Quebec immigration, you should look for Quebec Skilled Worker Points Calculator; How many Points required for applying for PR Visa in QSWP; Calculate QSWP? 50, 57 Immigration Points Required.

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