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Get Your Australia PR Visa Easily

Get Your Australia PR Visa Easily

Australia PR Visa from india

Australia PR Visa 

Hey there! Do you dream of living in Australia, with its beautiful landscapes, cool culture, and lots of opportunities? Well, guess what? You can make that dream come true with Australia’s Permanent Residency (PR) visa! Let me show you how it works, what you need, and why it’s super cool to get that Aussie visa. 

What is the Australia PR Visa? 

Okay, so the Australia PR visa is like a special ticket. It lets people who aren’t from Australia live and work there for as long as they want. And here’s the best part, if you meet some rules, you can even become an official Australian citizen later on! This visa is all part of something called the General Skilled Migration (GSM) program. It’s made for skilled workers like you, so you can bring your talents to Australia and help their economy.

Benefits of Having an Australia PR Visa 

Getting Australian PR comes with many benefits. Here are some benefits of Australia Immigration:

  • Live and Work Permanently: With PR, you can live and work in Australia for as long as you want. It’s stable and secure.
  • Use Social Services: As a PR visa holder, you can use Australia’s healthcare, social security, and education services. It’s good for you and your family.
  • Become a Citizen: After living in Australia as a PR for some time, you can apply to become an Australian citizen. Then you get more rights and can vote and hold public office.
  • Bring Family: If you have PR, you can bring your family to live in Australia too, as long as they meet the rules.
  • Travel Freely: With a PR visa, you can come and go from Australia as you like.
  • Get Good Jobs: Australia has lots of job opportunities, and as a skilled migrant, you can have a great career and help the country’s economy. 

Understanding Different Types of Visas for Australia PR

Australia has different types of visas called Permanent Resident (PR) visas, which are for people who want to live in Australia permanently. Each visa is for different types of people. Let’s look at some common Australia PR visa types:

Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)

This visa is for skilled workers who want to move to Australia and have the skills needed by the country. You don’t need a sponsor to apply for this visa. It’s great because you can choose where you want to live and work in Australia.

Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190)

If an Australian state or territory nominates you, you can apply for this visa. It’s also for skilled workers, and you need to meet some points requirements. The cool thing is that you can live and work in a specific state or territory.

Skilled Work Regional Visa (Subclass 491)

This visa is temporary, and it’s for skilled workers who want to live and work in regional areas of Australia. You need sponsorship from a relative in a regional area or nomination from a regional government.

Eligibility for Australian PR in 2024

To get the Australia PR visa, you need to meet these conditions:

  • Age: You must be under 45 years old when you apply. So don’t wait too long!
  • Skills: You gotta have the right skills and qualifications that Australia needs. Check their list of wanted jobs.
  • Language: Yep, you need to show them you can speak English well enough.
  • Medical And Character Certificate: Stay healthy and out of trouble, and your family too!
  • Collect Those Points: Remember the points game? Get at least 65 points to qualify

Step-by-Step Process to Get the Australia PR

The Australia PR (Permanent Residency) Visa is a popular choice for skilled workers, students, and others looking to permanently live and work in Australia. Here’s an overview of the Australia PR Process:

  • Step 1: Check your eligibility
  • Step 2: Apply for migration skill assessment through the designated authority
  • Step 3: Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI)
  • Step 4: apply for your visa online with all the required documents

Processing Time for Australia PR Visa

The processing time for an Australia PR Visa can vary depending on the visa subclass, the number of applications being processed, and the completeness of the application. On average, it can range from a few months to a year. Here are the processing times for some common visa subclasses:

  • Skill Assessment Timeline: Approximately 45 to 60 days

To proceed, applicants must have their education and work experience evaluated by a designated skill assessment body.

  • Expression of Interest (EOI): EOI is subject to processing times that are variable and depend on your individual score. For this stage, the application must be lodged online through Skill Select.
  • Submission of Visa Application: You are required to submit your final visa application to the DIBP within 60 days of receiving the official Invitation to Apply (ITA).
  • Visa Approval Process: Following the submission of the required documents, the DIBP conducts comprehensive research. Once they are satisfied with your details, the visa grant will be issued, typically taking 3 to 5 months.

Please note that these times are approximate and subject to change based on individual circumstances and the Australian government’s processing capacity.

Cost for Australia PR Visa

The fees for an Australia PR Visa:

  • Primary Applicant Fee: The cost for the primary applicant is $4115 Australian dollars or 2,20,825 Indian rupees.
  • Adult Dependents (Spouse): $2055 AUD or 110,298 INR.
  • Dependent (Below 18) – Children Fee: The fee for dependent children below 18 years is $1030 Australian dollars or 55283 Indian rupees.

Other Costs

In addition to the visa application charges, there may be other costs associated with the application process, including:

  • Skills Assessment: Some applicants might need to pay for a skills assessment conducted by a relevant assessing authority.
  • English Language Test: Depending on the visa subclass and applicant’s background, an English language test like IELTS or PTE Academic might be required.
  • Health Examinations: Applicants and their family members might need to undergo health examinations as part of the visa application process.
  • Police Clearance: A police clearance certificate from each country where the applicant lived for 12 months or more might be necessary.
  • PR Visa Evaluation: Candidates are assessed based on specific criteria, including age, English proficiency, qualifications, work experience, and more. Points are then allocated accordingly. You Can Calculate Your Score Through Australia PR Points Calculator.

How can I apply for PR in Australia from India?

  • Check Your Skills: First, you gotta show you have the right skills for your dream job in Australia. They call it the skills assessment.
  • Say You’re Interested: Once you prove your skills, let the government know you want to come over. You do that by filling out something called an Expression of Interest (EOI) online. Tell them about your skills and work experience.
  • Earn Some Points: Here’s the fun part! The government gives you points based on your age, education, work experience, and how good your English is. You need at least 65 points to qualify.
  • Get the Invitation: If your EOI stands out, you might get an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for the PR visa. Yay! But don’t wait too long to apply; the invite has an expiration date.
  • Health and Character Check: You and your family need to show you’re healthy and have good character. They want to make sure you’ll fit in well.
  • Apply for the Visa: Now it’s time to apply for the real deal. Prepare all the right documents and pay the fees.
  • The Waiting Game: Be patient! Waiting times can be different, so be cool while they check your application.
  • You Made It: Woohoo! Once they approve your application, you’re all set! You’ve got that precious Australia PR visa, and you can start your new life as a real Aussie resident.

Factors Affecting Processing Time

Several factors can influence the processing time of an Australia PR Visa:

  • Application Completeness: Submitting a well-prepared application with all required documents and information can expedite the processing time.
  • Health and Character Checks: Undergoing health and character assessments is mandatory, and any delays in these checks can affect the overall processing time.
  • Demand and Quotas: The volume of visa applications received and the availability of visa quotas can also impact processing times.

Final Thoughts

Getting the Australia PR visa might seem a bit tricky, but don’t worry, don’t give up! With some effort and good advice, you’ll be living your dream in Australia in no time. So go for it, and explore the amazing opportunities waiting for you through the Australia Permanent Residency program. Obtaining an Australia PR Visa opens up numerous opportunities for a new life in Australia. Aspiring applicants should carefully consider the processing time and fees while planning their visa application. It is crucial to understand the specific requirements for each visa subclass and ensure all necessary documents are accurately provided. Remember, patience is vital throughout the application journey, and the rewards of living in Australia make it all worthwhile.

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