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Australia Family Visas

Australia Family Visas

Australia Family Visa is a class of Australian visas that enable parents, children, dependents, spouses, spouses-to-be, or de facto partners to shift to Australia for a particular time. Australia is a country which has always encourages immigrants to invite their family, or loved ones. Australia family visa is the best way to provide opportunities to build their career there. Department of Home affairs (DHA) offers a range of family visas to help Australian Permanent resident and Citizenship holders to bring their child, family, parents, partners or finance etc.


Partner Visa Categories – Temporary & permanent resident visa – This visa is applicable on married couple, same sex partners, finance or an new Zealand citizen.

Below are the type of visas which allow Australians to live with their prospective spouse:

  • Fiancé (Prospective Spouse subclass 300)
  • Partner visa (onshore 820 and 801)
  • Partner visa (offshore 309 & 100)
  • Partner Visa: Important points & Requirements
  • Relationship Register for Partners
  • Partner Visa Costs

Australia Partner visa requirements

  • To apply for the Australia partner visa applicant must meet the below points.
  • Both the partners must be 18 year or above.
  • The applicant must be spouse/   finance/ de facto partner residing in Australia
  • Must satisfy health & character requirements
  • Must show sufficient funds in the account
  • For married couple, it is important to show the relationship for more than 12 months as per Australian law.
  • Spouse must be able to sponsor you for at least two years.

Parent visa (Sub class 103) – Under Australia Parent visa an Australian permanent resident and citizenship holders can invite their parents to Australia. Under parent visa you can be sponsored by your child settled in Australia. These visas will facilitate your parents to stay and live in Australia.

  • Contributory parent visa (subclass 143)
  • Aged Parent visa (subclass 804)
  • Parent visa (subclass 103)
  • Parent Visa Application Costs- Australia Immigration
  • Contributory Aged Parent visa (subclass 884 & 864)
  • Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 173)

Parent visa minimum requirements

  • To be eligible for Australia parent visa, you must:
  • Have cleared all your debts with Australian government, if you have
  • Be able to obtain an assurance of support.
  • Meet health & character requirement.
  • Parents who are applying as a retiree do not need any sponsor for this year.
  • Half of your children must be staying in Australia lawfully,

Child visa categories  (Sub class 101) – A child born outside Australia to an Australian citizen or permanent resident, do not become a citizen by default, unlike those getting born in Australia, in such case parents has to apply for child visa (Sub class 101). Below are the two child visa categories.

    • Child visa (subclass 101)
    • Adoption visa (subclass 102)

Child visa minimum requirements

  • The child must me above 18 year and less than 25 years.
  • Not be married to anyone.
  • Be either a biological/ adopted / step- child of the parent who holds temporary partner visa.
  • Meet health & character requirements.

Other Family visa Categories 

Relative visa options
Remaining Relative visa (subclass 115)

Important changes to partner visa applications
Partner Visa Checklist – Relationship De Facto
Assurance of Support
Balance of Family Test
Relationship Register for Partners
Processing times (Family visas)
Processing times (Partner visas)
Family and Partner Visa News
Character Requirements for Partner Visa